95% to 100%: your are in a truly Inspiring Relationship
You have an outstanding relationship. Congratulations!
This is a true testimony to the amount of work and attention you put into your relationship.
Keep it up!
Would you mind sharing with me what your #1 secret is to this kind of near perfect relationship you are having with your partner?
Thank you!
You might want to compare your answers to the aggregated results from all responses so far.
85% to 95%: you are in a Happy relationship
Your Relationship is in great shape. Congratulations and well done!
Keep up your good work.
You are paying great attention to yourself and your partner, well done.
Why don’t you download my book and sign up for my blogs?
They are a great reminder for you to maybe even improve your relationship further.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Compare your answers to the aggregated results from all responses so far.
70% to 85%: you are in a Working relationship
Your relationship is very good.
There is maybe some routine setting in.
You need to make sure to do more active appointments.
Keep working on it.
Because you probably know already that only daily work can make sure that your relationship stays a happy one.
My webinars will give you reassurance and a lot of models, ideas and tools to further improve.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Click here to get a comparison of your answers to the aggregated results from all responses so far.
50% to 70%: you are in a Functioning relationship.
There is probably a lot of boredom and routine.
You need to make sure to keep talking.
And yet there are some areas where you have not paid enough attention in the past.
My upcoming webinars will give you a lot of ideas, tips and tools to improve.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
If you want, you could compare your answers to the aggregated results from all responses so far.
Where do you see yourself on the LoveCycle?
25% to 50% : you are in a Surviving relationship
Your relationship is somewhat okay, but it could do a lot better.
There is more going on than just boredom and routine.
You need to make sure to start talking again.
Communication is key.
My recommendation is to read my book first and then give it to your partner.
This is a great guide with plenty of tools, tips and techniques to improve your relationship immediately.
Available as e-Book or paperback here.
Here you could compare your answers to the aggregated results from all responses so far.
Less than 25% : your are really Struggling in your relationship right now.
Your Relationship is very fragile at the moment.
Please pay more attention to yourself and your partner.
There is a way out of your current situation.
It’s not an easy path and there is no quick fix.
After all you are probably in this phase of your relationship for some time now.
Please reach out to me.
I’m offering you an obligation free phone call where we find out whether and how I could help you to get back on track.
It’s definitely worth a try.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
You might want to compare your answers to the aggregated results from all responses so far.
“Thank you Jürgen for your beautiful emails and gift to the world. I love reading them and always find a pearl of wisdom in every one.” – Carolyn T., Melbourne
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