Happy Ever After

Lasting Love Program

The secrets to avoid separation, without needing to air dirty laundry!

What does it cost you to live in a struggling relationship or in a relationship that is coping but not really working?

It costs you heart, love, emotions and tears.
And it costs you time, energy and money.
It actually drains your batteries instead of refuelling them.

The ultimate cost is your unhappiness over weeks, months and potential years of misery.

You deserve better!

  • Stop the constant bickering with your partner
  • Regain the connection you’ve shared in the beginning of your relationship
  • No more stone walling
  • Create magic moments together
  • Bridge the growing distance to your partner
  • Feeling deeply understood and listen too

You don’t want to grow old alone and split your friends in half.
This relationship of yours is worth saving.
A lasting and lifelong relationship is possible and
You deserve to be happy in a safe haven of love, intimacy and respect.

Your time is now!

You don’t want the last years to be wasted to the wrong person again.
You want to the warmth, the common goals and the financial support you both can create together.

Let me help you with my signature process: Lasting Love Program
Where we look into your Desire – Decision – Determination…

In this eight week coaching you find your balance back!
You learn why so many relationships are failing and what you personally could do about it.

This eight week coaching package is intense and requires time and work and it is not without financial commitment either.

You start with a thorough assessment of your situation.
A questionnaire you both fill in separately.
This gives us an understanding of where you are at the moment.
Next – for eight weeks – you receive a weekly video which you can watch in the privacy of your own home.
Either with your partner or alone.
Each week we’ll focus on a different aspect of your relationship.
And each week you are given assignments (homework) to help you improve your life.
At the end – after a total of 13 weeks – you fill in the same questionnaire and see the difference.

By then your relationship already has improved significantly and you are well on your way to an Inspiring Relationship!

Your investment for this life-changing course is small in comparison to what you might loose if you don’t act.

And it is guaranteed to give you timeless value.

Please arrange a call with me to see whether this program is the right choice for you.

The Australian registered company Essencion pty ltd [ABN: 17 110 230 209] is trading as Inspiring Relationships.

Copyright 2018  |  Essencion Pty Ltd (ABN: 17 110 230 209) is trading as Inspiring Relationships