1:1 Coaching Package

Re-assess, Re-connect, Re-kindle

The secrets to avoid separation, without needing to air dirty laundry!

What does it cost you to live in a struggling relationship or in a relationship that is coping but not really working?

It costs you heart, love, emotions and tears.
And it costs you time, energy and money.
It actually drains your batteries instead of refuelling them.

The ultimate cost is your unhappiness over weeks, months and potentially years of misery.

You deserve better!
You deserve to live in a loving, intimate and respectful relationship!

You are facing 3-Doors

You are here because you are coming to a cross-road in your relationship and in your life.


#1 – The first door is the easiest option. 

You just go on as before and hope for the best. You button down the hatches and wait for the storm to be over or get better. And you wait and hope that someone (your partner?) does something, anything to make your life better.

#2 – The second door is hard and requires a lot of energy and determination.

Here you take matters in your own hand and you re-assess your relationship with the result of splitting up.

This is nothing we are aiming for, but sometimes it is better to end it than to live on in an unhealthy or even toxic relationship.

#3 – The third door is actually the hardest and requires even more energy and determination than the second one.

And it requires that you are opening your eyes.

Finally you are able to see what is going on.

The third door is all about CHANGE



 This 13-week coaching package will help you to…

  • Stop the constant bickering with your partner
  • Regain the connection you’ve shared in the beginning of your relationship
  • Get the commitment back from your partner
  • Stop the stone walling
  • Create magic moments together
  • Bridge the growing distance to your partner
  • Feel deeply understood and listen too

You don’t want to grow old alone and split your assets, your friends and maybe your children in half.
This relationship of yours is worth saving.
A lasting and lifelong relationship is possible and you deserve to be happy in a safe haven of love, intimacy and respect.

Your time is now!


I can’t guarantee to you which door you will be choosing at the end of our 13-week.

But let me ask you this:

Do you maybe think that you have wasted the last 2, 5 or even 10 years of your life?
Do you want to waste the rest of your life?

You don’t want the last years to be wasted.
You want to have the warmth, the common goals and the financial support you both can create together.

I’m sure you want to chose door #3. But remember it is the path where it is all about CHANGE.
It is the most difficult choice and you want me to be by your side guiding you, supporting you and challenging you.

In this 13-week coaching you find your balance back!
You learn why so many relationships are failing and what you personally could do about your personal situation.





This 13-week coaching package is intense!

It requires time and work and …

It is not without financial commitment either.


You start with a thorough assessment of your situation.
A questionnaire for you personally.
This gives us an understanding of where you are at the moment.

Next – over 13 weeks –

  • You are having eight 1:1 coaching sessions (face to face or via Zoom) helping you to re-assess your situation,
  • You have email access to me personally throughout the duration of the program,
  • As well as text access to me personally throughout the duration of the program,
  • You get additional list of actions between sessions and additional reading resources,
  • Convenient fortnightly sessions (with some flexibility)…
  • You learn what to change, where to change and why to change.

In most cases by the end of this 13-weeks your relationship has already changed significantly and you might well be on your way to a Newly Inspired Relationship!


Your investment for this life-changing coaching is small in comparison to what you are loosing if you don’t act.

And it is guaranteed to give you timeless value.

Here are two payment options for the 1:1 Coaching Package.

I’m using the safe and secure payment gateway of Stripe. Your credit-card details are not being stored anywhere.

The Australian registered company Essencion pty ltd [ABN: 17 110 230 209] is trading as Inspiring Relationships.

Please pay here for your 1:1 coaching package - in full $4,980 (incl. GST).
13-week 1:1 coaching in full

Please click here if you are choosing the payment plan
for your 1:1 coaching package
Today's down payment of$2,100 (incl. GST).
[There will be 7 future payments of $500 weekly]
1:1 coaching package - payment plan

Payments are processed by the secure and fast service from Stripe.
The Australian registered company Essencion pty ltd [ABN: 17 110 230 209] is trading as Inspiring Relationships.

30-day money back guarantee

Thank you for allowing me to working with you!

Best regards,
Jürgen Schmechel
Relationship Expert
Author | Speaker | Mentor

Copyright 2019  |  Essencion Pty Ltd (ABN: 17 110 230 209) is trading as Inspiring Relationships | Terms & Conditions